Meet Our Principal
A Message from Our Principal
Welcome to Desert Mountain Elementary, home of the Coyotes!
My name is Erin Pillsbury, and I am thrilled to have you as part of our school community. Desert Mountain is a well-established school in a growing community and district. Great things are happening!
Our primary focus at Desert Mountain is student success.
We can achieve that success through engaging, rigorous learning experiences, social-emotional support, and by having a culture of effective communication. Elementary school sets the foundation for future student success in college and career readiness.
Desert Mountain has systems in place to make sure we meet your child’s needs. We have the Coyote Reading Club, a full-time counselor, and reteach/enrichment time for ELA and math built into our master schedule. Parents are a vital part of these systems. Communication between the teacher, student, parents, and support staff is the best way to contribute to student success.
Please feel free to reach out if you have questions or would like a tour of our campus. The office number is (480) 987-5912. You may also contact our registrar for enrollment questions by emailing Kristy Leon at [email protected].
Erin Pillsbury
Erin Pillsbury, Principal
and the Desert Mountain staff